Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Larry Parks/ Class 5: Self-Improvement Training @ Straight-A-Guide

by Larry Parks

126. When you assess your environment, what opportunities for self-improvement can you create or seize?

I can develop my relationship with God which helps guide me through out my day. I can also work out to keep my body in shape along with my spirit.

127. What is your interpretation on the value of self-imposed structure of free time?

It helps you cope with the day in and day out monotony of prison. By having a stretchered program you give yourself something to look forward to daily.

128. What relationship do your daily activities have to the vision you have for your life upon release?

The closer a relationship I build with God now in prison? the closer I will be with him when I?m released. Also I will value life even more because I have learned the value of time also.

129. Imagine that you were to replicate your activities or use of time yesterday every day or your sentence. If you did, what level of preparation would have to triumph over the obstacles that await you upon your return to society?

The monotony of doing the something over and over again gets depressing. I would have to lean on God for strength and understanding. I know that he will help me get through it.

130. What activities within the prison environment can you pursue that will enhance your strengths?

Going to church functions? getting as much education I can? doing exercises.

131. What activities within the prison environment would you categorize as a weakness?

Getting evolved with the wrong crowed? gambling? smoking? stealing form work? being lazy? not preparing for the future.

132. What activities within the prison environment would you perceive as offering opportunities?

Education classes? Vocational classes? reentry classes.

133. What activities within the prison environment do you perceive as threatening your prospects for success upon release?

Hanging with the same type of people that got you in to prison. Looking at TV. all day.

134. To what extent do the activities you pursue inside the prison environment contribute to your strengths and opportunities?

As I continue to build my relationship with God? I find strength and peace that I never knew I had. And as a result of God strengthens me, I can continue to strive to be a better man. I strive in education? spirituality? and 100% in everything that I do.

135. What steps do you deliberately take to minimize your exposure to weaknesses and threats?

Staying in the word of God? praying and mediating on the word and exercising.

136. Using the SWOT-assessment technique, how would you assess your decision-making process prior to imprisonment?

My decision making process was very impulsive. I did not thick of the consequences that my decisions would make. My only concern was for that moment.

137. In what ways can the SWAT-assessment technique guide your decisions as you prepare for success upon release?

By using the SWOT-assessment technique guide I?m learning to prepare myself for a successful future after prison. Everyday of my life here in prison I am using to prepare myself for tomorrow.

138. What types of activities in prison fall into quadrant one: low-risk/high-reward?

139. What types of activities in prison fall into quadrant two: high-risk/high-risk?

140. What types of activities in prison fall into quadrant three: low-risk/low-reward?

141. What types of activities in prison fall into quadrant four: high-risk/low-reward?

142. To what extent do your consider risk-reward analysis when assessing activities, interactions, or time allocation in prison?

143 What type of self-improvement programs would enhance an individual?s prospects for success upon release?

144. What thoughts have you given to the type of employment you want to pursue upon release?

145. Define the qualifications necessary for the type of job you want to pursue?

146. How do your self-improvement programs prepare you for the type of job you want to pursue?

147. What types of self-improvement programs can you pursue independently that will enhance your prospects as a candidate for employment upon release?

148. In what ways do academic credentials influence an individual?s candidacy for employment?

149. How do prospective employers gauge the value of academic credentials?

150. What types of self-improvement steps trump academic credentials?



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